Frequently Asked Questions
Am I Ready to Be a Homeowner?
If you have steady income and are paying too much in rent. You are paying a mortgage already. It is just someone elses mortgage and they are building equity from your rent payment. Let’s talk to see if it is the right time to buy!
Is Renting or Buying Better?
This depends on your current lifestyle. Do you have a job that will keep you in place for 2 or 3 years? Is it a steady income? Then you may want to consider buying.
How much do I need in cash to purchase a home?
There are many loan choices available. Speaking to a reputable lender will give you an honest evaluation on the type of loan you can get.
What is the process of looking for a house?
We set you up on a search based on your criteria for a home. A reputable lender will pre-approve your loan. We schedule times to see homes. You have not only 2 agents on your team available to show you homes, but we have over 2500 agents in our pipeline to help us get a door open for you if we can not get there asap. It is a fast market and we are prepared to move quickly for you.
Is it a buyers or sellers market?
As of March 9, 2022 it is a strong sellers market. There are not enough homes for sale and there are many buyers in the market. As a buyers agent, we are diligent in helping you find a home. As a sellers agent, there are still steps you can take to net an even higher price for your home.
Call us and let us know how we can help!
Jill 770-330-7477 and Tracey 404-441-4710
Should I sell my home now or wait?
If you are planning to sell in the next few years. Now may be your best option. We can not predict the future. There is record shortage of homes for sell right now. You may have more equity in your home then you know. Call us to discuss. No rush, but better to know then guess.
I want to sell, but where will i go?
Oh WE can help with that. Yes, it is a great time to sell, but perhaps a harder time to purchase. If you are ready for your “next” home. Don’t delay, let’s start looking to see what may be an option for you. It’s just a conversation. You may see the perfect home is out there for you.
How much do I need in updates to sell?
This also depends. Removing personal items and accessories makes a huge difference in showing your home. Also, clean clean clean is important. This includes pressure washing the sidewalks & cleaning the windows. It makes a huge difference.
Why do i need a real estate agent?
There are many reasons to hire a professional to partner with you when you sell your home. According to the National Association of Realtors, a ‘for sale by owner’ nets considerably less than someone who hires a Realtor. Realtors know the contracts, networks with other realtors, offers advise based on years of working with not only sellers, but also buyers. I personally have several stories about sellers who made very expensive mistakes that would have been avoided if they were collaborating with an agent.
Can I Ask You for Advice?
Of course! Call now and just ask questions. We are honest and want the best for you.

We are here to answer your questions!
Just call or email (texting works too)
We are here to assist and if renting (as a buyer) or staying put in your home right now (as a seller) makes the most sense, we will tell you that!